Friday, December 22, 2006

Obligatory Christmas post

Sunday I succumbed to the dreaded "list of 2006" it's the feared Christmas post. Instead of posting loads of songs that every other blog in the Milky Way Galaxy has, I'm simply putting up one. AND, it's not even a happy one! So take that. Call me Scrooge if you'd like, but while you're doing it, enjoy this anti-happiness track:

Trainwreck Riders - Christmas Time Blues : Lonely Road Revival

If you want to take some more time off from shopping or gift wrapping, check out the video for the song on YouTube in which Pete and the band hit their old stomping grounds in San Francisco while sporting a Santa suit.

Visit their website, their label Alive Records, and become their friend on MySpace.

1 comment:

The Seventh Stranger said...

I like the variety of your musical tastes. I, too, believe the "mainsteam isn't so bad. . . ."

The Seventh Stranger