Last week I was fortunate enough to catch Grace Potter and the Nocturnals live in Northampton, MA at the Ironhorse theater. For those of you not familiar with the Ironhorse, it's a fairly intimate venue where I assumed I would be able to fully experience Grace's voice. To my surprise, I got more than I bargained for.
The opening band's bus broke down in route, so they were replaced by an acoustic duo (pardon me for forgetting their names) which proved to be entertaining for their brief set.
After a short change-over, Grace and company took the stage, in a commanding manner. If you have listened to their album at all, it's full of a soulful bluesy sound that does justice to Grace's vocals. In concert, the band just rocks, and I mean that in a good way. Their entire sound was kicked up with a couple shots of tobasco and they jammed all night long, clearly enjoying themselves every minute of the performance. At some times, the musical onslaught did submerge Grace's vocals, but she held her own throughout the night. Check out an old post on her last album, Nothing But the Water.
If you are anywhere near Boston tonight or tomorrow, do yourself a favor and check them out at the Paradise.
Unfortunately, I don't have the show recorded, but here are a couple of live tracks to wet your whistle. If you haven't picked up their album, go here now!
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - 2:22 (live) : Unknown source
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Farmer John (live Neil Young cover) : Live at Bonnaroo 6-17-2006
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Nothing But the Water (live) : Live at Bonnaroo 6-17-2006
And if you have the time, head over to Cable and Tweed for Grace's performance on the World Cafe.