What else is there to say that I haven't already sprouted out with? He was a genius whose time came prematurely. Who knows what he would have laid down if he was still with us today. Thankfully, we're left with some most deaf material that will probably never go out of style (and hopefully never be forgotten). If you haven't picked up all the volumes, word on the street is that Rapster will be releasing them as a collection - not sure if it will have extra goodies in it or not, so keep your eyes open for it coming down the pipeline.
In the meantime, check out Anti-American Graffiti, a nice slice featuring some samples of famed DJ Wolfman Jack. Keep Dee Jay's memory alive and pick up these comps for your own collection.

J Dilla - Anti-American Graffiti : Dillanthology 3: Dilla's Productions
Mood - Secrets Of The Sand (Remix) : Dillanthology 2: Dilla's Remixes For Various Artists
Common - The Light : Dillanthology, Vol. 1: Dilla's Productions for Various Artists
Mood - Secrets Of The Sand (Remix) : Dillanthology 2: Dilla's Remixes For Various Artists
Common - The Light : Dillanthology, Vol. 1: Dilla's Productions for Various Artists
Just picked up vol. 3 and was a bit disappointed. Not sure what i was expecting maybe some never released stuff or .... In saying that, bigups to Rapster for giving the man the respect he deserves. Hopefully the anthology will ignite Dilla fans both old and new.
Awesome post! Peace
I'm not going to lie, I would have loved to have laid my ears on some uncovered goodness as well. You're spot on with the hope that this will bring him some recognition from new fans as well as keep his memory burning bright.
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