So if you're diggin' Portishead, I've got another band to send your way: The Atomica Project. TAP is headed up by a female vocalist, Lauren Cheatham, with a voice much like Beth Gibbon's, perhaps a little warmer. They've also got that feeling of cinematic largeness which sometimes spreads wide behind her vocals and at other times dwindles down to a dark note. Taken as a whole, the album (it's titled Grayscale and it's the band's second) feels like the positive inverse of Third. It still has its melancholy moments of tender expression, but in general it employs some brighter instrumental components that lighten it up somewhat.
Both albums are available now, so pick them up and listen to your dark heart's content.

Aaahh! I am loving the new Portishead album. My boyfriend purchased it on LP for me and the sound quality is amazing. I read a pretty great and in-depth article about them (minus Beth Gibbons' input as she doesn't interview anymore) in the new Paste. Pick it up! I'm looking forward to checking out this other band, too. Maybe their shows will be a bit more accessible than Portishead's...that is to say, accessible at all. :)
One of their first three albums was a live album. So it is their third album. :) Just sayin'!
Yea, I hear ya. I would consider the live one an album since it was an official label release but I could see the flip side of the coin as well.
Yeah, actually I have "Live: Roseland NYC." They're just as amazing and enigmatic live...In fact, I think I'm getting ready to purchase the DVD version of it. It should be fantastic.
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