Thursday, June 12, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull Soundtrack

Once again, I'll date myself by admitting to remembering seeing the original Indiana Jones movie in the theaters. I can also remember the TV show named Young Indy or something like that that didn't quite live up to the caliber that Harrison Ford set for the role. And I'm sure just like every other boy who watched Indy crack his whip, get the girl, and get away with some sweet lute, I had dreams of becoming an archaeologist. Of course I didn't (I am a teacher though - somewhat close to Jones' mild-mannered university alter-ego gig).

Rumors have been circulating for years about a new film, so when The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull finally became a reality, I was happier than a Kali priest getting ready to rip out a virgin's heart.

Film scorer extraordinare John Williams returns to compose and conduct the music for the film. If you're not familiar with his name, I'm sure you can hum some of his stuff. He's responsible for the soundtrack for close to one hundred films, including Star Wars, Jaws, E.T., the previous Jones movies, and many, many others.

There's nothing to sing along with here, but if you enjoy humming along with a good orchestral soundtrack, you just really can't go wrong with anything John Williams does.


John Williams - Star Wars Main Theme : Star Wars Trilogy

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