And now, after over twenty years of making music with various line-ups, they're set to put out two new releases: an album of new material titled Weather Underground and Protected: Massive Samples. Protected brings together a collection of twelve assorted tracks that have been sampled or covered by Massive Attack over the course of their career. The list of sampled artists will shock you, running the gamut from the usual suspects: Al Green, James Brown, and Isaac Hayes, to the more obscure: Wally Badarou, The Blackbyrds, and Lowrell (whose song Mellow Mellow was drawn from for the Massive Attack track Lately - listen to both below).
Herein lies the brilliancy of Massive Attack - their ability to pull in all sorts of sources, melding them together seamlessly, sometimes even unnoticeably, in their offerings. Protected will draw back the curtain, revealing some of the hidden inspirations for some of their best work. Look for the complete album in February
the sampled:
the sampler:
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