While there are a few vocal cuts amongst the album's eleven tracks, Sneaky's apparent strength is his beat generating prowess. Much like the DJ Spooky album I commented on last week, you'll find a wide breadth of beats here, wide enough that its eleven tracks do actually feel like eleven separate and distinct entities. There's really no recycling going on here, with each composition having its own personality, from the contrasting duality of the opening track Frieden Schlieáen's strings and electronic elements with a film projector (?) running in the background to the Trickyesque trip hop of Mental Origami to the whistle-happy On My Way to the techo house raver Grind the Coffee (and those are only the first four tracks).
Below I've included a few tracks that two different sides of the album. The first, Beduija, soars in exoticism like a middle-eastern bazaar. The second, Feel Like a King, is one of the album's few tracks with real vocals and has an almost retro 90'sish dance thing going on to it. Like I said above though, by no means would I portray these as stereotypical of the album, as there really is nothing stereotypical to the whole thing. Head to his MySpace page, listen to a few more tracks, and see what I mean.

Sneaky - Beduija : Feel Like A King...Pluck A String
Sneaky - Feel Like a King (Feat Barbara Panther) : Feel Like A King...Pluck A String
Sneaky - Feel Like a King (Feat Barbara Panther) : Feel Like A King...Pluck A String
and one he appears on:
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