In the meantime, here's a band, an album, and a song that I picked up on before vacation. The band's named Sunfold, the album's titled Toy Tugboats, and the song you get to listen to is called Sara the American Writer. The whole shebang is the side-project of Kenny Florence, but includes members of North Carolinian band the Annuals (of which Kenny is a member as well). It's got a sun drenched southern guitar driven sound to it that feels quite appropriate to listen to before the summer ends. Florence also manages to sneak in some shades of jazz as well (the ninth track Osk jumps to mind but you'll find others as well) to keep the album from getting stale over its thirty six minutes. Anyway, check out Sara the American Writer, and then you can get the rest of the album as it's already out.

Visit their label Terpsikhore Music and become their friend on MySpace.
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